
















简介【每周五、周日更新】 我们的女主角是一位超能力少女,但她的超能力并不是像电影漫画里那样,她的超能是只要穿裙子就会传送一些让人羞耻的物品......










类别都市 恋爱






内容简介:在这原始大地,他一出生体内便流淌着罪血,是罪人的后代,想要摆脱这残酷的厄运,他只有一条路可走,那就是……战斗!大世将至,万族林立,群雄逐鹿,神魔乱舞。自来开天辟地以来,第一位神皇就此诞 生!1w0-26397 >>


内容简介:“老实躺好,麻醉师马上就要来了,别耽误我们下班!”女医生不满意地说。穗子坐起来,以最快速的速度把裤衩套上。“我不做手术了,这孩子我要留下。”现在是初冬,东北已经上冻了。1w125338 -127601 >>


内容简介:吃土摄影师千愿发现了一款内测中的养成游戏。这款游戏互动性极高,游戏PV画风可爱治愈,可以给崽崽投喂美食、给崽崽奇迹换装、陪着崽崽一起长大,打着休闲不肝的旗号,瞬间捕获了千愿的心。而在下 载游戏之后,千愿才发现所谓的休闲治愈全都是屁话——主线故事看得人想要吐血,货币比例居然是十比一,在线一小时才能进行签到,一下线崽崽就开始黑化。……但崽崽可怜又傲娇,千愿一心软,就开始在游戏中捡垃圾、养鱼塘、开农场,过上了勤勤恳恳的养崽生活。一场军事叛变之后,天之骄子岑寒的生活一夜之间天翻地覆。叛国贼的儿子、没良心的白眼狼、又残又瞎的小废物,亲朋好友漠然疏远,欺凌暴力如影随形。他独自在漫漫黑夜里行走,被阴暗厌世的恶意拉扯着坠入深潭,直到身边终于出现了另一个人。不在乎他的阴郁多疑,陪伴他走过不幸,像是一个……张牙舞爪驱散黑雾的小太阳。文艺流简介:在大雪纷落的寒冬,岑寒拥有了一位神明。不敢亵渎,不敢沾染,只将妄念深藏心底。阅读指南:1男主残疾,会好。2双向救赎,整体应该挺甜的,但后期有几章离别重圆剧情!预警一下3半架空,女主在未来现代,男主在星际时代,私设如山,请勿考究4更新时间不定——————推文——————完结文:《在西幻游戏里玩基建》预收:①《昨日暗恋》:当高中时期的男神成了有恐旷症的小可怜②《成为偏执魔尊的白月光》:救赎火葬场③《治愈战损精灵后》:养纸片人搞经营,文案如下【疯犬变忠犬】2040年,《星际休息站》手游风靡大陆,身为该游戏忠实玩家的叶闻笙每日雷打不动地起床,兢兢业业地发展属于自己的小小休息站。太空中的旅客来来去去,休息站中的设施愈加繁荣。窄小的便利店被升级成宽敞崭新的超市,堆满营养液的仓库被热闹的餐厅取代,休息站特产太空温泉横空出世——在这段旅途中,叶闻笙还收获了一位美貌十级的精灵助手。那只精灵就像一只走进绝路的小刺猬,对每个接近他的人龇牙咧嘴,警惕地竖起满身尖刺。休息站中的小机器人惧他如洪水猛兽,叶闻笙却不在意他的阴戾,将他收留,悉心照顾精灵伤痕累累的身体。精灵彻底痊愈的那一天,叶闻笙本想放他离开,却看见那曾对自己恶意相向的脸染上了不自然的淡红。“……请让我留在这里。”他如此恳求。高高在上的光之精灵坠下天穹,被囚于暗无天日的牢笼里。被黑暗侵蚀的身体犹如破败的玩偶,浑身上下没有一处完好无损的皮肉。漫长的三千个日夜后,他终于迎来了一位主人。祂肆意摆弄他的身体,毫不顾忌他的尊严,态度轻蔑无礼,像是在对待一只呼之即来挥之即去的低劣野犬。西斐尔恨透了祂,在见到祂的第一面,便只想把那不能见人的面庞撕碎。恶念于被污染的土壤中疯狂滋生,他无时无刻不在想,要将祂生吞活 >>


内容简介:太宰死了。中也前脚刚参加完他的葬礼,回家就看到狗比搭档躺在他床上。——真是活见鬼了!“混账东西,你死了都不肯放过我吗!”已经火葬场骨灰都扬了却没死透的幽灵宰语气恶毒:“全都怪中也,我死 了你也别想好过。”中也:“艹!”更糟糕的是幽灵宰只有他能看到,害的众人都误认为他接受不了搭档离世产生重度幻视,港黑八卦论坛全都是他们1w0-81475 >>


内容简介:关于开局八岐大蛇:君临和之国:作为黑炭一族的嫡系子嗣,黑炭晴明持有‘阴阳师’系统,斩杀黑炭大蛇召唤八岐大蛇,打造自己的家臣,君临和之国。不只是如此!以和之国为根基,逐步向着全世界扩散而 去,世界政府无1w0-26039 >>


内容简介:【不出意外,10月24日黄道吉日开文,已经在存稿了,求个收藏】相亲那天齐修远说:“我父母双亡、没车没房、月薪5000,什么都不能给你。”林苑笑:“巧了,我工资月光,家境贫寒,月薪比你还 少1000,我也什么都不能给你。”俩人相视一笑,达成了结婚的意向。直到三年后的一天林苑最喜欢的小说《向心公转》要拍电影,剧组请她为电影写词曲。作为小说的书粉,林苑强烈要求跟小说作者见一面,以便更好地创作。而后,她看到一身西装的老公坐在了她对面。林苑这才发现,她粉的超级网络写手大神,号称中国科幻第一人的大佬,竟是她那连情书都不会写的老公。齐修远也发现,他那保守老土的老婆,竟然是那个从来都蒙面示人、身材火辣的性感歌手愿心。于是,齐修远把林苑堵在墙角:“老婆,你从来不在我面前穿低胸装渔网袜,但你却在电视上穿给那么多人看,嗯?”林苑呵呵哒:“你也从来不对我说情话,结果你在520那天,说你最爱的人就是你的女主角?”当保守无趣的妻子——→性感妖娆的蒙面歌手当节俭守旧的丈夫——→版税过亿的写手大神朋友对齐修远说:“白富美愿心外形有点像你老婆。”“不可能,我老婆那人很保守的,绝对不可能穿低胸装,也不可能有个富豪爸爸,我1w0-96408 >>

I Became A Renowned Family’S Sword Prodigy

I Became a Renowned Family's Sword Prodigy manhwa, Baek Woojin is the youngest son of a renowned swordsman family who has neither talent in swordsmanship nor an impressive Aura. Although he was dishonored by his own family and killed, he reincarnates as the owner of a Magic Sword. His only goal is the destruction of his own family.

Gekkou Teien

Yuuki is a girl who lies about her gender to enroll in the theatre department of Getsuryou academy, an all boys' school where all the students are required to stay in the dorm. While hiding the fact that she's a girl, every day, she tries hard to study acting, the subject that she loves so much. One day, an upperclassman, Riku, found out her secret, causing Yuuki to be very worried, but she gradually got attracted to him. At the same time, she came to know the real reason why she was brought up as a boy...

Straight To You

Straight To You summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Straight To You. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Chaos;Head's story is set in 2008 in Shibuya and is centered around Takumi Nishij?, a high school student at the private Suimei Academy, and the strange and brutal murders that have recently occurred in the Shibuya area, known as the 'New Generation' (????????????) Madness. The story begins on September 28 with Takumi talking to an online friend called Grim (??? Gurimu?). Grim is trying to bring Takumi up to speed about the recent New Generation events since Takumi is not interested in local or international news. A person named Shogun (???) joins the chat room midway through Grim and Takumi's conversation. After Grim leaves the chat room, Sh?gun begins to talk. He speaks in a very cryptic and confusing manner, leaving Takumi nervous. He then sends Takumi a barrage of image links, one of which appears to be of a brutal murder of a man being pinned by stakes to a wall. The next day, Takumi comes across a real life murder scene. Witnessing a mysterious pink-haired girl pinning a man up by stakes in an alleyway, he immediately realizes he is witnessing the very murder detailed in the pictures he received the day before. Convinced Shogun is targeting him and the girl he saw committing the murder is somehow connected to him, Takumi tries to avoid getting involved with other New Generation events. However, as Takumi begins attempting to distance himself from the crime he witnessed, he soon catches interest of the police. With the police suspecting him, and himself convinced that he is being targeted by Shogun, Takumi finds himself caught in a spiral of delusions and paranoia, as he desperately tries to keep himself safe and figure out why he is apparently being targeted. He eventually comes into contact with several other people related to the events, including the girl he saw committing the murder herself. Unsure of what is real or who he can trust, Takumi finds himself thrust into a much larger scheme than he ever thought possible, as the mysterious company NOZOMI carefully plots something from behind the scenes. From Baka-Updates: Takumi is a high school student. He is withdrawn and is not interested in 3D things. In his town, a mysterious serial murder case happens and people get panicked. One day, when he chats on the internet, a man suddenly contacts him and gives him an URL. He goes to the website and finds a blog image that suggests a next murder case... On the next day, it really happens... Could he be really the one responsible? And where is the D-sword that he is supposed to find?

Rebirth Of A Villainess

Rebirth Of A Villainess summary: Stabbed in the back by her sect brother. Xu Hui promised not to make the same mistake that she made, trusting blindly without leaving any room for doubt. With her dying breath, she swore to return one day and seek vengeance on the one that betrayed her.--------------------------Cover is not mine, all credits go to the creator.

Valhalla no Ban Gohan

Valhalla no Ban Gohan summary: The G.o.d Community Kitchen “Vahalla Kitchen” is always busy during dinner hour. My name is Sei, as a pig that has the ability to talk, I was ordered by Odin to help out as a “MEAL” !
I know that I have the mystery ability to revive once per day but isn’t it horrible for me to be a meal everyday? The reason why I’m still staying here is because of the G.o.ddess Brynhildr who is not that bad.
Ee… why is the number 2 of the G.o.d community, Loki, here?
The G.o.d community is in trouble and want my help?
But I’m just a boar~~

108 Maidens of Destiny

108 Maidens of Destiny summary: “Your servant is Majestic Star ‘Panther Head’ Lin Chong, from this day forward I am your woman!”
When the beautiful and heroic young girl in front of him shouted those heaven shattering words, Shu Jing was overwhelmed with shock.
And so the tale of the 108 maidens of destiny from legends begins.
In Liangshan Continent, a genius is defined as a Star Master who is capable of signing the Star Duel Covenant contract with two Star Maidens. This was truly the limit.
But right now Shu Jing’s dilemma is how to convince the “Strength Star” Lu Junyi to become his eighth Star Knight. And this is just the beginning&h.e.l.lip;

Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas

Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas summary: Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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