








类别热血 搞笑 少年


类别搞笑 都市 恋爱
























内容简介:【甜宠萌向轻松沙雕】【万年人参果女主x上古神兽白虎男主】“仙君,看在咱俩同生共死过一次的份上,你能不能”“?”“借你尾巴给我揉一下下??”一睁眼,沈窈穿成仙侠文里各大门派互相抢夺的—— 万年人参果。吃了她就能延年益寿,吃了她就能修为大增,吃了她就能重塑灵根然而,沈窈来得太晚,如今的剧情已经进展到她被男主捉住很快就会被吃得连根须都不剩。沈窈:“稳住,我还能苟!”果断踢翻这段该死的剧情,顺便再把男主偷来的小白兽拐走!只是沈窈有点疑惑,她整天抱着睡觉的小白兽为什么会突然脸红流鼻血???整个修仙界都知白泽仙君一心修道,不问情缘。更有散修放话,若是白泽仙君会结道侣,他就给那女子端百年的洗脚水!直到有一日——他们居然见到白泽仙君耳尖微红的将小姑娘抱在怀里,低声的哄着:“窈窈乖,别生气,尾巴给你。”众人震惊:“???”那散修瞳孔地震:“假的假的,绝对是假的!”1w0-62906 >>


内容简介:我有一个秘密。我和同班的霍倦在谈恋爱。我还有一个秘密。我是穿书的。——霍倦,一中的校草兼霸王,Alpha的A中顶配,万人迷体质,爱慕者无数,却睥睨一切,完全不把谁看在眼里。p1w0-9 9754 >>


内容简介:他是患有严重厌食症的千亿帝少,英俊毒舌超有钱,每天靠营养液续命。她是美食APP上的人气美食播主,人美心善厨艺赞,每天靠直播养奶粉钱。为得到脐带血救儿子的命,她伪装成丑女,以私人营养师的 身份潜伏在他身边。谁知原本厌恶她的大少爷突然转性,把她壁咚,“女人,你欺上瞒下,我现在很火大!”她弱弱地问,“我现在辞职还来得及吗?”就在这时,卧室的门被撞开1w18247-26554 >>


内容简介:看喵柒Miss热门小说快穿男配攻略记最新章节请到小兵,该小说情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本难得的情节与文笔俱佳的好书,现在快穿男配攻略记最新章节是第1232章万人迷不想谈恋爱28,欢迎 广大网友在线阅读1w0-82317 >>


内容简介:双向救赎文,被父亲打死,认为自己惹人讨厌的年上受x由于母亲难产而死,认为自己害死了母亲的年下攻宋若翡一朝穿书,成了男主的小娘。原身乃是一尾雌性狐妖,道行粗浅,素来贪财。她表面上对男主的 父亲虞老爷子情比金坚,实际上不过是觊觎其万贯家财罢了。她未及过门,虞老爷子竟是一病不起。为了从虞老爷子口中套出房契、地契、金银……所藏之处,她日日细心地照顾着虞老爷子。虞老爷子被她所感动,弥留之际,终是将所有值钱的物件都交由她保管,并叮嘱她好生将男主抚养成人。然而,虞老爷子过世之后,她却是百般折磨男主,害得男主又聋又哑,目不可视,双足残疾。与此同时,她肆意挥霍财产,蓄养面首,好不快意。未多久,她厌烦了折磨男主,遂将男主丢下悬崖。殊不知,此举反而使得男主得了机缘,踏上仙途。其后,男主重返虞家,一眼识破她乃是一尾狐妖,当即将她剥皮抽筋,做成了狐皮垫子。穿书而来的宋若翡乍然见得一身是伤的男主,思及自己可能会被做成狐皮垫子,致歉道:“是娘亲下手重了些,我儿莫怪,娘亲发誓,再也不对你动手了。”男主稚嫩的脸上一点表情也无:“狐媚子,我知晓你想将我折磨致死,好独吞了爹爹留下来的家产。”宋若翡承诺道:“娘亲虽然待你严厉了些,但从未想过要将你折磨致死,娘亲定会好生将你抚养长大,为你娶一位才貌双全的妻子。”若干年后,已然及冠的男主抓着宋若翡不慎变出来的尾巴,柔声道:“养育之恩无以为报,娘亲才貌双全,儿子便以身相许如何?”宋若翡被抓住了尾巴,逃又逃不得,只能凶巴巴地骂道:“逆子!”“娘子该当唤我为‘夫君’才是。”男主凑到宋若翡耳侧道,“有一事我忘记告诉娘子了……”他顿了顿,继而吸吮着宋若翡的耳垂,含含糊糊地道:“我早知娘子并非女子。”预收文:《穿入自己的同人文后,本尊的人设崩了》文案如下:折云仙尊风姿出尘,禁欲律己,道行深厚,即便只身闯入龙潭虎穴,一身白衣亦能滴血不沾。救世后,他避世隐居,诸人皆以为他已然道消魄散。为了纪念他,众多文人墨客争相为他写下了无数话本,譬如:《仙尊与魔尊的旷世奇恋》、《仙尊在下,魔尊在上》、《病弱仙尊珠胎暗结》……折云仙尊满腹疑窦:你们为何认为本尊与魔尊是一对?本尊分明亲手封印了魔尊。后来,他穿入了《病弱仙尊珠胎暗结》中,幸而他尚未珠胎暗结,仅是被关于一金丝笼当中,不见天日,稍稍一动,绑于足踝的铃铛便会叮当作响。一日后,他见到了魔尊,魔尊一身玄衣,浑身上下充斥着煞气。紧接着,他被魔尊掐住了下颌,正欲反抗,却剧烈地咳嗽了起来。对了,他现下这副身体病骨支离,一成道行也无。魔尊心疼地亲吻着他的眉眼:“折云,你且好生休养罢,莫怕,本座会陪着你的。”若干时日后,他终是养好 >>

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The Bastard Called Brave And The Former Fiancé, I Will Crush All Of Them summary: The continent’s largest kingdom, the Kingdom of Westphalia The boy Light who lived there had the lesson of the sword from his father who was a former knight of the kingdom, together with his childhood friend Lyrica and Sere. Both Lyrica and Light being childhood lovers, promise to be engaged with each other. Sere also being in love with Light decided to be Light’s mistress. Because you have to be a knight to have a mistress, Light slaves himself to point of death in order to be a knight of the kingdom of Westphalia. And, in order to receive the special ability called “gift” which everyone has, when Light, Lyrica and Sere become 16 years old, they go to the cathedral of the Westphalia kingdom in order to appraise their “gifts”. However the cruel reality is revealed, when Lyrica and Sere both receive great gifts and Light receives a talent called “???” An Unknown Power. A man called Brave came from another world with two women and told both of the women “Are you the girls of my destiny?” They were gathering girls with great gifts to combine their power and kill the Demon King that was recently revived. Lyrica and Sera together with the man called brave and the two girls journey together in order to kill the Demon King. One year later.. Lyrica and Sere came back, as the wife of the brave rage.. For the two of them, Light, which became a knight in order to marry them, is simply deserted. Betrayed by both of his dearest Fiancés, Light, broken by sadness wandered aimlessly, weeping.. But his sorrowful emotions are killed soundlessly as anger consumed him… All of them… KILL!

The Firelight Fairy Book

The Firelight Fairy Book summary: The Firelight Fairy Book summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Firelight Fairy Book. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

With Wolseley to Kumasi

With Wolseley to Kumasi summary: With Wolseley to Kumasi summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of With Wolseley to Kumasi. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Yachting summary: Yachting summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Yachting. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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