



未了情 首席别太坏

类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁






当朝皇帝意外暴毙,我被太后从民间抓来顶替同胞的死鬼哥哥坐上龙椅——这就算了,还要替他娶皇后?!可……可我也是女人啊? 大婚当晚,我费尽千辛万苦逃走,转眼又落入当朝臭名昭著奸臣的手里……虽然他时刻都想杀了我,但我为了秘密不暴露出去,只能强行攻略他了!










简介一个寒冷雪夜,年幼的黒主优姬意外遇上 LEVEL E级的吸血鬼。在这个吸血鬼向优姬露出獠牙的生死时刻,另一个名叫玖兰枢的纯血种吸血鬼救了她,并将她带到黑主学园请求园长(黑主灰阎)收留。黑主学园除了一般学生就读的日间部外,还存在着夜间部。在夜间部就读的学生都是十分俊美优秀的人物。不过这里却隐藏着不为日日间部学生所知的秘密——夜间部的学生全都是高级吸血鬼。十年后,为了维持学院安宁,优姬和同被园长收留的锥生零一起担任学园的“风纪委员”,守护这个秘密。而受人尊敬的,也是优姬非常倾慕的玖兰枢,更是被称为“吸血鬼中的君主”的纯血种,是站在吸血鬼金字塔端的最高种族。如果被纯血种吸血,就会变为LEVEL D(曾经是人的吸血鬼,在经过一段时间就会变成LEVEL E)。而锥生零作为g吸血鬼猎人,却在一次家难中不幸被同样是纯血种的绯樱闲所咬。绯樱闲杀死了零的家人,带走了他的弟弟一缕,所以零非常憎恨吸血鬼(尤其是纯血种)












内容简介:逆转斗罗:重生千仞雪逆转斗罗:重生千仞雪小说阅读游戏竞技类型小说逆转斗罗:重生千仞雪由作家尽心写一本书创作交流群:1004915370嘉陵关之战神位破碎失去一切的千仞雪,带着记忆和刻骨 深仇回到幼年时期,立志扭转自己和比比东的悲惨宿命。但是出乎意料的,千仞雪刚刚重生便被罗刹神发现端倪,并在千仞雪身上感受到生死危机,千仞雪的复仇之路凭添变数。而伴随千仞雪的回归,无数人的命运被逆转,斗罗大陆的未来也变得不可预知。小兵提供逆转斗罗:重生千仞雪最新章节逆转斗罗:重生千仞雪最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w31598-65164 >>


内容简介:叶玄穿越了,开局就继承了千亿集团。还带了金手指,可以看到所有人的属性、弱点、人生经历、内心想法。安晓梦:颜值96,身家亿,未婚,弱点:向往刺激飙车周冰倩:颜值100,身家20亿,未婚, 弱点:表面冰山总裁,内心喜欢二次元赵瑞龙:赵家大少爷,罪行1:杀死沈佳倩;罪行2:杀死余欢欢,证据:录音、照片,存放位置在……除此之外,叶玄还可以复制别人资料栏的技能,并花钱升级。叮……你复制了【低级车技】……叮,升级到神级【车神】。叮……你复制了【低级钢琴】……叮,升级到神级【钢琴之神】本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】1w0-83003 >>


内容简介:从出生的那一刻我就知道了,我是一名超能力者在我半岁的时候就可以轻易的悬浮重至卡车的物体,之后随着我的成长,心灵感应,念力,瞬移,千里眼,时间倒转等等能力逐渐显露也愈加难以控制,给我带来 了很多麻烦在我过着我平静高中生活的某一天,世界意识突然找到我,说某个黑帮老板得到了升级超能力的方式从此可以“消去某样事物的存在”而消去了除了他以外的所有其他人的超能力“因为你这个人就是由超能力组成的,所以他这消去一发动你就嗝儿屁了”世界意识如是说我可真是太冤了,被世界意识紧急将灵魂传送到十年前的关键人物身上杜绝屑老板的谋害,从此成为背后灵——齐木楠子渴望普通的日常,但总是被一群替身使者搅得不得安宁又名:齐木楠子的灾难齐荒木友人帐cp布加拉提既然恋爱线开了那么前排提醒,楠子并没有保留很多齐神的设定,尤其性格的方面,会放大柔软而温柔的那部分,对超能力虽然会排斥,但复活的楠子却也会庆幸而珍惜她拥有的这份力量1w0-69375 >>


内容简介:《我在每个世界都很美》是作者砚落白创作本书又名《我和外面那些清新脱俗一点都不一样》为了防止宇宙被破坏为了维护宇宙的和平叶垂锦毅然决然的踏上了快穿之路。路上BOSS各有不同只有一点千篇一 律。叶垂锦摸着自己的脸叹了口气。为什么这么爱我?她喃喃自语眼光迷离难道只是因为我长得好看又漂亮吗?系统麻木请宿主端正三观不要沉迷于自己的美色。群737047687(500粉丝值以上)——————————————————————————沉迷自己不能自拔戏精女主X沉迷女主不能自拔男主。男主是一个人。好友文《快穿魔王大人极致宠》笔趣阁首发我在每个世界都很美最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w41752-85628 >>


内容简介:骚心荡漾(兄妹1V1)是由五零二三所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供骚心荡漾(兄妹1V1)最新章节阅读骚心荡漾(兄妹1V1)全文阅读骚心荡漾(兄妹1V1)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现骚心 荡漾(兄妹1V1)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-74734 >>


内容简介:预收:穿成渣攻之后【快穿】(主攻甜爽(文案在后面预收:我老婆天天阴阳怪气(主攻自信沙雕×阴阳怪气本文文案世界1穿成因为被校暴自杀的炮灰。危戈睁开眼睛就看见自己正在男卫生间,面前站着四个 男人,围在危戈的面前想要扒下危戈的裤子。……哇哦。没想到现在的小男生都这么狂野了。于是危戈扒了他们的裤子。世界2本书关键词:幻想奇缘打脸快穿爽文逆袭《穿成炮灰之后快穿》小说推荐:想离婚?没门!、一枝、金主上位记、十年对手,一朝占有、刺青、顽石、姐姐领进门:掌权、朱门贤妻、荒野之春、绝世驭灵师、穿书后我成了首辅的心尖宠、温柔豢养、未来兽世当萌宠、我、我是你的、无地自容、穿越学霸福气满满、六十度角、胥哥小面、楚氏昭华、绯闻太多是我的错吗、典型意外(ABO)、指父为兄、晚熟、梵歌、攻成伪受快穿、来自地狱的男人、音符、秋以为期、蓄谋已久、重生小地主1w0-98114 >>

Holy Alice

Facing 'Death' for the one I love is something I would do without hesitation, but this isn't right. I didn't live until today only to die for the one I love. I longed to look into your blue eyes, but you only looked down on me and turned away. I was chosen that very day to be the 'Alice' who would breathe her last breath to save your love, 'Heart'. Original version:Naver English version:Tapastic

Kimi To Kemono Na Yume O Miru

From Midnight Scans: A girl is raising a beast in her hearth?! A beast-like girl x diligent guy! The aim of the game is to escape completely! At first glance, Izumida Riko looks like a neat girl, and she’s known as the 'Credit Union's Madonna'. However, she's the repulsive beast girl who heads a robbery group. Aiming at Riko is a guy whom she met during her morning run. Is their meeting really by chance, or because of 'duty'?! Also included here are: Kimi no Kawaii Doku Ouji (Your Cute Poison Prince) / Musesouna Aporo (Inconstant Apollo) / Kimi to Kemono na Yume wo Miru (Watching the Beastly Dream with You) / Motto Ranbou ni Aishite mo, Ii yo (It's Okay to be More Violent in Love) / Migite no Bonno Atashi no Kodou (Right Hand's Lust, My Palpitation) ----- #1: Watashi no Kawaii Doku Ouji/ My Cute Poison Prince Every year the two rivaling companies Ryuuou Comercial Affairs and Royal Tiger Products host a golf competition to see who is best. And every year Ayaka Suzuki, business director of Ryuuou, takes this opportunity to catch herself a new lover. Since all the men Ayaka tried before turned out to be insufficient for her passionate love, she is doubly happy to spot Yuuri Yamada, a new face among the Royal Tiger employees, and she doesn’t hesitate to seduce him… but could it be that Yuuri himself follows some hidden agenda by joining this golf competition?!?! … #2: Musessou na Apollo/ Inconsistent Apollo Unable to forget her past memories Mizuki thinks sex is nothing but a boring and painful thing she never wants to experience again. But when Mizuki surprises her classmate and well known womanizer Ruka Hirasawa making out with another girl in their college’s painting classroom, her thoughts change slowly. Seeing this passionate scene Mizuki can’t help but wonder how it would be to be embraced by Ruka… but what’s that? Ruka himself suddenly approaches Mizuki wanting to make this fantasy a reality!!?!? #3: Kimi to Kemono na Yume Wo Miiu/ Watching the Beastly Dream with You Beautiful, hardworking and overall stunning Riko Izumida doesn’t get called “Madonna of the credit union” for nothing. But behind that mask of a well-mannered bank employee Riko is not as tame as you may think, especially when it comes to catching herself the perfect guy. So when the one guy she’s been eyeing for some time now just so happens to rob her bank, Riko doesn’t hesitate to chase after him… and things start to take unexpected turns. #4: Motto Ranbou ni Aishitemo, ii yo/ I Don’t Mind If You Love Me Roughly In order to attract guys, Hinako always follows her mother’s words, and so far Hinako always got what she wanted by playing the hard-to-get. But then suddenly a rival appears at her college who immediately catches the attention of all the boys, including Katsuragi, Hinako’s secret crush. Devastated by the instant defeat Hinako turns to Shuu, who claims he would help her to get back Katsuraki’s attention, if she only does whatever he tells her to… but does Shuu really intent to help her, Hinako can’t be sure… #5: Migite no Bonnou, Atashi no Kodou/ The Right Hand’s Passion, My Palpitation Hiyama Touko, like any other high school girl has a secret crush but being the shy girl she is, Touko can’t do anything but watch the cool Kuga-kun from afar. So when her friend Natsumi catches Touko, once again staring at Kuga-kun after he helped her out in class, she decides to give Touko some courage through hypnosis. At first Touko doesn’t believe it would work, but then she suddenly loses control over her right hand and now Touko can’t stop groping poor Kuga-kun…. What the heck is going on?? And how will Touko manage to get back to normal again?!?!?


.'Daniel' retired from an injury while serving as a police officer. He works at Cafe Bonasort on the island of Menorca, Spain.One day, an Italian young man with a dirty look, comes in and begs for food. The boss picks up the cute-looking guy and hires him as a part-time job. What will happen next...

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Miniature essays: Igor Stravinsky summary: Miniature essays: Igor Stravinsky summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Miniature essays: Igor Stravinsky. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Shingeki no Kyojin – Kakuzetsu Toshi no Joou

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Tracks of a Rolling Stone

Tracks of a Rolling Stone summary: Tracks of a Rolling Stone summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tracks of a Rolling Stone. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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Robert R. McCammon: The Collected Stories summary: Robert R. McCammon: The Collected Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Robert R. McCammon: The Collected Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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