
























类别恋爱 后宫 古风








内容简介:本文将于8月26日(周四)入v,届时三更,感谢各位小天使的支持!整座栖霞城的人都知道,金平侯家的嫡子向宁,知书达礼,容貌昳丽,更兼有个家门雄厚的父族,是早早定了要嫁与安国姥的孙女的,将 来自有世袭爵位,百般荣华。而他家庶子向晚,不过是个受人冷眼的外室子,得了老祖宗说情,才勉强接回府里养着,连粗使的老侍人也敢低看他一眼。那一日,他低头听着嫡父道:“凭你的身世,实难挣得什么前程,我做父亲的总要为你操心,你且作阿宁的媵侍,同嫁去安国姥府上吧,也是你天大的造化。”他也以为,如他这般的人,理当知足。不料世家踏青,暗中相看的那一日,他眼看着小王女司明玉,人尽皆知的纨绔,凑近安国姥家女儿耳边,同时向他一挑眉,“此等美人,做媵侍可惜了,你卖我个面子,让给我做王夫呗?”排雷:女尊,男生子——————————新文求预收,《帝城阙(女尊)》世人皆道,苏锦,苏大人,是全天下最不识好歹的人。以男子之身,居帝师之位,如此千古未有之事,皇家给他多大的脸面。然而,护着孤弱的小女皇,从群狼环伺中一步步走来的是他。眼看大功将成,却反手背刺女皇,与乱臣贼子共谋的还是他。他事败被擒,跪在大殿上犹自带笑:“这些年在你身边,只是为了行事方便。朝臣皆忌惮我,只有你最好骗。”女皇仁慈,不要他的命,只要他从朝堂消失,从此安居后宫,做她的君侍。人人都以为,苏大人当感恩戴德。谁知册封当日,他一身大红吉服,就在女皇的眼皮子底下,纵身一跃,血溅宫墙……——————————楚滢一觉醒来,回到了十五岁。这年,她还不是一代明君,那个到死都不让她痛快的人,还活着。朝野内外传说,苏大人白天辅佐新皇,夜里还要为皇家开枝散叶,属实……兢兢业业,令人钦佩。1w0-79103 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《位面供应商》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读楚非,一个精通败家的富二代,父母意外去世之后选择做一个混吃等死的有钱人。可莫名出现的神秘系统却将他从富二代的圈子里打入了地底尘埃。系统加身 ,楚非被迫改变自己,成为一个在不同世界之间来往穿梭的二道贩子。1w0-128967 >>


内容简介:  新书《大清良人》求收藏!求养肥!拆迁暴发户卫嘉树倒霉穿越大清朝,结果发现,这个清朝竟不是历史记载的那个辫子朝!而是一个叫宣建国穿越前辈建立的新朝代。她满腹槽点无处吐,实在憋得难受, 直到遇见了一只能交流的阿飘君……大吐特吐之后才发现——阿飘君姓宣名承熠,乃是当今天子、开国太祖宣建国之孙也!卫嘉树:这个孙子!离魂症皇帝和活见鬼宫女。————瓜尔佳昭嫆一点都不想给自己的表姐夫当小妾,可无奈表姐夫的奶奶相中了她。哦,她表姐夫叫玄烨。1w0-4376 >>


内容简介:  再度睁眼时,莫德来到了弱肉强食的海贼王世界。  身怀【猎人笔记】的他,能通过狩猎强者来壮大自身的实力。  于是,为了立足,他将目光望向了那一个个名声在外的大人物。  七武海、  海 军大将、  四皇、  这些成名已久的强者皆有可能成为他通向顶点的里程碑。  至此。  在海贼眼中,他是祸害。  在海军眼中,他亦是祸害。  -----------  已完结小说:美食猎人、火影之祸害、刀剑神域之活下去。  群号:1644346641w0-877 >>


内容简介:盛弋从十六岁时开始喜欢许行霁,整整七年,没勇气和他说过一句话她只是默默的追随他,和他报一样的大学,偷偷看他,然后在别人攻击许行霁的时候坚定地说:他是天才就算天才藏起了翅膀,收敛了锋芒, 他也是天才大学毕业那年,盛弋阴差阳错的被家里安排嫁给了许行霁商圈的人都知道,许家那三公子许行霁是许家的私生子,不受重视,纨绔子弟,爱玩风流……没人想嫁他,但于盛弋而言,是如愿以偿无论多少人看不起许行霁,但他是自己的梦想只是在那场盛大的联姻婚礼上,新郎甚至都没有出席盛弋成了一个独自完成婚礼的新娘,也成了圈内的笑柄直到第二天,许行霁才特意从国外飞回来,递给她一份离婚协议“都是互相搪塞家里人的。”坐在餐桌对面的男人一身低调的黑色西装,漂亮的眉眼张扬肆意,看着盛弋的目光是毫无温度的冷:“两年为期,然后结束。”盛弋知道自己没有资格拒绝这份协议,她只问了一个问题:“你婚礼那天不出现,是为了故意羞辱我吗?”许行霁:“是。”盛弋直到这个时候才愿意承认,现在的他已经不是自己多年前一见倾心的惊艳少年了以前的许行霁苍白漂亮,才华横溢,所思所想所创造的都是不世出的惊艳之作,现在……1w0-96988 >>



Yume Miru Happa

The first collection of volumized short stories by the author of 'For You in Full Blossom' / 『花ざかりの君たちへ』 ('Hanazakari no Kimitachi e'). 1) The Dreaming Leaf (Yume Miru Happa) - Futaba (Two Leaves) departs for Tokyo to attend high school there. In order to relieve the financial burden slightly and achieve independence, she finds a live-in work situation at an old mansion. She becomes (fighting) friends with one of three good-looking fortune-telling employees there, Masato, who attends her same high school and is even in her same class. But then one day, Futaba discovers the secret of the old mansion... which is--!? 2) 17 Romance (17 [Juunana] Romansu) - Natsume, now in high school, was raised like the son her father never had, and so she's determined never to lose out to any man. Homare Misono has been her guy friend for 17 years. Despite their closeness, Natsume always feels the disadvantage her gender places her at. Homare is stronger and better than her at a lot of things. And after saving her from a pervert on the streets, he kisses her...!? 3) The Law of Couples (Futari no Housoku) - The Law of Couples states that all things happen in pairs -- including people. Sakiko seems to have found her missing half in Akio, a boy in her same class who always seems to say exactly what she's thinking. But who is she falling in love with? Akio, or the part of herself that she sees in him...? 4) 3) Heat Fruit (Haato no Kajitsu) - Meron and her best friend, Chiho, both have a crush on Uchiyama! Meron finds out after she's already told Chiho that she has a crush, so she needs to lie about who she likes in order to protect Chiho's feelings. She chooses... Ryou! The scariest, coldest guy in school, rumored to be an underground ring leader! If anyone will reject her love confession, it'll be him! It works, but then Chiho begins to cry for Meron's sake, and Meron turns to mush... she tells Chiho that she'll try harder to win Ryou's love...!? How deep is she going to dig her grave?? But... for some reason, Ryou really doesn't seem that scary to Meron...

Malicious Code

It's the year 2034 and high school student Sasaki Hiiro boards his bus just like any other day. Everything changes, though, when his bus is suddenly attacked by a mysterious girl with red eyes. When Hiiro awakes, he finds himself in 'Tokyo,' a city which was supposed to have been permanently sealed off after the outbreak of the deadly Pandora Virus ten years ago. Not only that, but it also seems like all those being gathered in 'Tokyo' are developing new inhuman abilities. Now, among the ruins of Shibuya, Hiiro and his friends must discover why they are here and learn all they can about the terrible Malicious Code that is running wild in their bodies before it destroys them all!

Lagoon Engine Einsatz

From ADV: Sakis, the Scion and Godslayer, gets entangled in a deadly incident when an unknown ship enters Lagoonarian airspace. After uncovering explosives along with the seeds of Abomination, Sakis begins a quest to uncover the mysteries surrounding the Ancient Gods!

Kago No Tori

A young Chinese boy, Lee-Ren is purchased from his poverty stricken mother by a Japanese official for sexual purposes in 1910. Thus begins the 'owned' life of Lee-Ren in his master's household, where he is alternately sold out and used within. Jin, the naive young son of the master, grows up with Lee-Ren. This is the story of their tumultuous relationship.

A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times

A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times summary: A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Voodoo Gold Trail

The Voodoo Gold Trail summary: The Voodoo Gold Trail summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Voodoo Gold Trail. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Council Of Dads

The Council Of Dads summary: The Council Of Dads summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Council Of Dads. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mother West Wind

Mother West Wind 'Where' Stories summary: Mother West Wind 'Where' Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mother West Wind 'Where' Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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