









虎x鹤 妖师录


擦身而过的曼哈顿 欢迎莅临公园大道Ⅳ(境外版)







简介在这个游戏的世界里,没有捡尸复活的可能,别看主角长了一张嘲讽脸,但是他爆豆的时候也能照亮小萝莉的娇羞……天星之子-纽汉村群,群号:260687801天星之子2群-塞恩斯,群号:283694599人设投邮箱:[email protected]资料一定要详细!我很忙!QQ上概不回复人设问题!!


变形金刚漫画新东家Skybound Entertainment携“能量块宇宙”(the Energon Universe)开启变形金刚新漫画主线!故事以Sunbow变形金刚G1动画情节打底,并将与特种部队、虚空敌手进行联动。






简介这里是脑洞大开,光怪录离的电台世界,来来来,听一段电台,体验一次人生? 为了更好地安排故事内容,调整为周3、周6更新,一周双更,不见不散! 读者交流群:678917011 作者公众号(超频脑) 微博:超频脑




简介【《暗界追冥狩》每周四更新,官方微博:杨怀滨-暗界追冥狩 ;官方群号 :416569757;微信:yingqidm】世有战燹以来,生死均数大破,冥魅进犯人间。为求常序不坏,冥王任命轮回异人为“追影”导师,于寰宇间寻觅魂体强韧、足以对抗邪威的适任者,与之缔结“追冥契约”,以千年阳寿追缉群邪。南南北朝烽火连绵,兰陵王高长恭俊美绝世,苦求抗敌护国之力。因因缘之下,以“追冥契约”获得无匹异能,却在一次行动里中伏身亡。一千四百年后,当他再次转世为人,眼前迎来的除了伙伴,更是冥魅跨越阴阳两界的追杀…




内容简介:前世我卑微如斯,胆小如斯,要靠妻子以命换命才得以苟活于人世;今世我王者归来,许你一世繁华,前程锦绣,那些辱我,欺我、迫害我们夫妻的人,你们听好了,我会让你们后悔来到这个世界上,我会成为 你们的噩梦。1w17154-26431 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《我穿越成一个国》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读见过混穿、身穿、性转、夺舍……怎么到我这,就直接变成一个国家?等等,你不要过来啊。你是国家,我也是国家,你见过两个国家撸胳膊上阵肉搏的 吗?斯文点,斯文点,我们派遣兵将,让国主作为统率征战,难道不好吗?等等……这什么坑爹的世界,国家怎么可能拥有意识!还有这些狂妄的神明,老子是国家,不是你们的对象,都离我远点啊!以国土为骨,以国民为血。这是一个倒霉蛋带着华夏薪火,跑去异世当国家,重立诸夏文明的故事。1w0-61647 >>


内容简介:《塑明小说》简介:百户府里发生的动静,早已惊动了四周,只是这时候陈升已自带着马队,手执火把绕城而走,口中更是高呼着,“我等乃是朝廷经制官兵,奉命镇压叛贼逆党,尔等良民,谨守家中,勿要出 门上街,若有趁乱侵犯民宅者,皆以逆贼党羽论处,杀无赦!”如是这般高呼,马队绕着整个寨子里的土路跑了一圈,重复高喊了十数遍,路上倒也遇到些胆子大的泼皮无赖见百户府大乱,想要出来趁火打劫,只是没成想遇到陈升他们这帮杀星,就是想跑都来不及,毕竟两条腿哪里跑得过四条腿,好几人当场就被追上刺死(朔明)。反正这个时候有胆子出门上街的,不是百户府的人,便是些心怀不轨的匪类,陈升他们动起手来毫不手软,这般杀人立威后,陈升他们方才策马往百户府而去(朔明)。。1w887-81931 >>


内容简介:  重生幼时,她只想好好守着家人。  可他说,我愿我余生来守护你,我愿将我的余生给你,让你以‘我’活着。  还有一个他说,我曾以为我是最有资格和你一起守着的,但是没想到,世事无常,你成 了我的心头砂。  有一个他什么都没有说,只手拎着外套,背覆一生宠爱和静好安稳强行住进了她家。1w0-4370 >>


内容简介:十六岁之前对她意味着什么黑暗,杀戮,冰冷。而他是她黑暗中唯一的救赎。九岁的沈言晞第一次见到他的时候,脑海里只有四个字:惊为天人。当她在雨林几次被他救过之后,小小的她暗暗立下誓言:要把他 娶回家。回到沈家后,她被沈烨逼迫嫁给了二十八岁的顾墨琛,可她早已没有十六岁之前的记忆了。ltbr顾墨琛,顾氏帝国的掌权人。他和她的结婚不过是沈老爷子和顾老爷子年轻时的一句话。外界认为他们只是协议婚约。但他给了她极致宠爱,他冷漠,狠利。却独独将温柔留给了她。后来他们才知道,原来顾少喜欢一个人,是将她捧在手心里的。仗着顾先生对她的宠爱,沈言晞开始无法无天。有人看不惯她的做法,顾先生不屑:“我宠的,你们有意见”“顾先生,我敢娶,你敢嫁吗”沈言晞挑衅道。紧接着,沈言晞便被顾墨琛抱进怀里,压着吻了一通。直到沈言晞被吻的脸色通红,只听见他低沉着声音说道:“顾太太,你早就是我的人了。”【展开】【收起】1w0-27767 >>

Stay Gold - Koi No Lesson A To Z

After a failed attempted at bleaching his hair and ending up in a fight on the day of the entrance ceremony at his high-school; Ken is already off to a bad start with a bad first impression as nothing more than another delinquent. Mizuki, Kens best friend and secret crush, was the only person he met after that not to label him negatively just because of his appearance, but maybe that's because neither is Mizuki just the cute and innocent guy he appears to be.

I Stole The Child Of My War-Mad Husband

The male lead from a romance-fantasy novel, he's a war fanatic. People call him Demon', a nickname filled with awe and fear. And I reincarnated as his wife. If there's a problem is that as soon as the original work starts, I was murdered as the Wicked Previous Wife' together with my own blood-related daughter. My daughter that's slated to die with me is a 5-years-old kid who's boundlessly cute, while my husband is good-looking but scary. I tried this and that to fix my bad-personality husband. But for me who isn't the female lead, fixing his personality is impossible. All right! First, I'm going to take my daughter and run away. Let's think about the future after. / I Took My Warmonger Husband's Child

Law Of Ueki Plus

The Law of Ueki plus takes place 2 years after the end of The Law of Ueki, everyone has gone there own way and life has become peaceful again until one day Ueki saves a dog only to stumble upon a plot to steal the memories from all the people of earth. ueki as the only person who did not have his memories taken, must go into a new world and retrieve the stolen memories where new allies, foes and powers await.

Hotel Harbour View

[From Manga-Sketchbook]: Female assassins mix sex and death in a pair of hard-boiled well-drawn film-noir stories of love and murder. From Baka-Updates: Two linked stories, both revolving around a deadly female assassin. In Hotel Harbour View, a Japanese expatriate in Hong Kong spends his time drinking whisky, photographing a high class prostitute and waiting for death at the hands of the assassin he knows is coming for him. In Brief Encounter, a notorious Parisian assassin is himself marked for assassination and his hunter is no stranger to him.

All Things Considered

All Things Considered summary: All Things Considered summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of All Things Considered. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Carefree Girl Who Turned Into A Woman With Little Hopes!

The Carefree Girl Who Turned Into A Woman With Little Hopes! summary: The Carefree Girl Who Turned Into A Woman With Little Hopes! summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Carefree Girl Who Turned Into A Woman With Little Hopes!. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I’m in Hollywood

I’m in Hollywood summary: An advertising director rebirth to 1988, Hollywood. Since then started writing film and television songs, skilled in directing every kind of film, make love to a lot of female stars, made one group of young child stars and took the road to become Hollywood legend.

Transformed Into The DC World

Transformed Into The DC World summary: Thea Queen accidentally gained the memory of the pa.s.serby and knew his future destiny. She bravely went straight to the front, and learned martial arts to master the magic, determined to go to the highest apex. Flash: What is your super power? Thea: Have Money! Superman: What did you use to knock me down? Thea: Magic! Wonder Woman: Dear, where are you going to eat today? Thea: My house. In short, this is the story of a beautiful girl who is doing things in the DC world and embarking on the peak.

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