
































内容简介:穿梭时空,附身帝王,系统抽奖,兑换兵器,开疆拓土,这些都可以有。刚穿越附身皇帝,就被撸了帝位,这个真不可以有。我是刘辩,天下第一的弘农王。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《汉末弘农王》还不错 的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79320 >>


内容简介:  人近中年的边瑞厌倦了大都市的生活,想过简单的日子,回到了老家,种上几亩地,没事收拾一下屋边的菜园子。开心的时候斫上一把古琴,画上两笔画,心情烦燥的时候则是骑上牛进山里,采些山果野参 。悠闲的小日子过的美滋滋。1w0-117 >>


内容简介:为兄弟,他两肋插刀,为女人,他怒为红颜,为国家,他誓死如归。一代军刀重归都市,凭着一双铁拳再战天下,一声怒喝,世界皆震,且看军中王者洛天如何携美俯众生,霸气凌天下。1w1317-480 0 >>

风 不解

内容简介:风不解最新章节列:小说《风不解》独根草著风不解全文阅读庄容正色的男主与贤淑豁达的女主的婚姻会是怎样呢?两个尊崇礼教、品行良好的人是否就会夫妻情深?未必吧……相处容易相爱难,金童玉女也要 有情意才能长长久久的相守,否则,再般配的男女也是免不了相敬如‘冰’,就看看这对璧人是如何破冰的吧一句话,其实褪侨站蒙榈牧礁龃糇独根草的完结文:艳闻点点看与之同系列的新文:一着错点点看新坑求戳1w0-109535 >>


内容简介:专栏预收《我后台硬,粉我!》《当大佬遇上抽卡系统快穿》求收藏。——离世后,国宝级科学家连月,与从主神空间叛逃的0073系统绑定了。一人一统和一些即将崩塌的世界意识做交易,换取生存的机会 。①穿成架空世界的懦弱姐姐(已完成)穿成即将要替弟弟下乡的姐姐,甩掉偏心的爹妈,一心促进科技发展!②被迫退圈的全网黑做了科学家(已完成)当资源短缺,人类移民计划被搁浅,那个被全网黑的连月带领团队踏上了新发现的X星,成为了全网夸!③成为全村的骄傲问成为村里唯一一名大学生,如何带领小村致富。答发展旅游业,成为国内外人人向往的伊甸园④在末世里当救世主⑤和虫族不得不说的事⑥学渣的自我修养⑦仙人抚我顶,结发受长生未完待续……PS故事不分前后排雷1所有世界架空,不接受写作指导2无逻辑,杠精勿入(重点!)————专栏预收(求收藏)《我后台硬,粉我!》华裳诞生于祖龙的墓里,自有记忆起便被束缚在祖龙身边。在那里,龙脉教她虚怀若谷,谦虚谨慎。祖龙教她剥皮抽筋,五马分尸。弓箭弩教她十步杀一人千里不留行。围棋教她步步为营,谋定而后动。兵马俑教她吟唱千百年前的小调。直到因缺少信仰之力灵体越来越弱,祖龙和墓里的器物商讨后不得不将华裳送到现世。——2025年,花国高层突然收到一条短信“朕,秦始皇,朕在西安有个崽崽,限三日内赶到带走妥善照顾!如若不到,朕将带领三军踏平西安!”花国高层……——娱乐圈某黑粉论坛——“你们有没有觉得华裳有点邪门,我就骂她一句,梦里被兵马俑追着念了三个晚上大悲咒。(目光呆滞jpg)”“你不是一个人,我也……我就说了句她整容了,已经连续两天梦见自己被祖龙削骨整容了。(心如死灰jpg)”“她是真的邪门(神色恍惚jpg)我就说句华裳是不是有后台,有干爹。现在已经连着五天做梦变成太监被人叫干爹了。(捶地大哭jpg)”“有被楼上安慰到,感谢。”“感谢777777”“感谢99999”祖龙今夜找你了吗祖龙的三十多种酷刑,你体验到第几个了黑粉的108种死法————预收《该如何挽回你,我的球宝!》团宠地球离家出走啦(无cp文,详情见文案,感谢。)——预收《长公主的小哭包(重生)》心狠手辣登基为帝长公主X自卑敏感哭包小太监(详情文案见专栏,感谢)——预收《我以为你是巨婴》科技强国大女主爽文(详情文案见专栏,感谢)——完结文《绿茶靠种田名扬天下(穿书)》p1w0-104407 >>


内容简介:  “叮咚!”  “欢迎使用全智能修真系统!”  “您选择修炼锻骨决,系统开始为您修炼,系统检测缺少修炼丹药淬骨丹,请稍等……”  “叮咚!”  “系统成功为你偷取了十颗淬骨丹,修炼继 续……”  “重要提示,系统修炼期间,您将失去身体的控制权……”  得到智能修真系统后,裴凌不声不响的飞速成长,准备一直苟到成仙,直到某一天……  “叮咚!”  “您选择修炼无名功法,经系统鉴定,这是一门双修功法,系统开始为您修炼,系统检测缺少道侣,系统正在为您寻找道侣……”  于是,裴凌眼睁睁的看着自己跑去隔壁仙子的修炼室……1w0-3576 >>

Oxide 2 - Carta Numinous

The Second Works (Magna Carta)This is just a partial.


Ever since he was a young kid, Sora Aoi had constantly traded words of 'I love you' with his captivating older sister Aki. As he comes of age, he finds it much more difficult to trade such comforts as they did in those times. Sora finds himself questioning his feelings for his sister, when Aki presents her feelings toward him to rise above a sister's love. Understanding their fondness for one another, they consummate their love-in secret. In a culture that will never comprehend, they must keep their love a secret from everyone else and their family they know. Nevertheless, Sora soon finds himself investigating many kinds of love with different types of girls he met that isn't accepted by society so questioning his feelings for his sister. Character Sora Aoi Sora is the protagonist of the story. His given name is created as ?? in kanji. He studies in exactly the same high school as Nami, Aki and his sisters. Unlike his sisters, he's not bad at house work and cooking. As he falls unconscious by ingesting even somewhat sake, Sora has a reduced alcohol tolerance. As a result of questionably difficult relationships together with his sisters, along with his breeding with no father or any male figure in the family, Sora grew up with almost no maleness of all kinds. Nearly all of idiosyncrasies, conduct, and his bearings are those normally expected from a self-conscious girl. His effeminate look makes him an ideal prospect for crossdressing, which he finds himself participating in involuntarily because of the opinion of Runa and Nami's fetish which he loves it. He's quite timid and very much a pushover, and totally lacks the will to stand-up for himself against women, which further enables him to be made to crossdress and sexually approached. Really very much every woman around him is instantly privileged using the possibility to rape him, which some of them did or tried to undeterred by protests and his suffering. He's profoundly in love with Aki, and does not resist her the second-time she attempts to have intercourse with him, but he does issue himself at times because they've no future in a relationship, whether their incest taboo should be continued. Though with the latter two he was pushed he's also had sexual relationships with others, like Kana, Runa and Nami. After being raped if anything in regards to the sexual assault should actually be taken to to light by Nami, who subsequently threatened Sora with emasculation and departure, he became terrified of her, but promised that he will not despise her. They ultimately rekindle their connection when consensual intercourse was questioned for by Nami, and had since then became more near. With Aki, Sora completely accepts his connection in the last chapters, even defending it against their dad. When their dad takes away Aki, Sora is alone and desires to see her again. After Aki decides to disappear therefore that their love wouldn't hurts Sora, Sora is heart-broken and understands that Aki is really loved by him and needs to be with her. At their mom's grave, they fulfill in the last chapter.


A series dedicated to the father of Kiichi from the series Tough. This is a side story of the Tough series based around Miyazawa Seiko (Kiichi's father) and his brother Kiryu. Much of the same elements of Tough can be found here such as Mixed Martial Arts Fighting and alot of Violence.

Jafuu No Stra

The beginning of the end of the world. Humans face not the fate of death, but being enslaved to cruel demons. After eons of peace in the human realm, a heinous race of demons has suddenly appeared. With the wizards extinct, the only hope against the demons seems destroyed, but from this despair ridden land a mysterious boy has appears. Could he be the messiah who’s come to save humanity? A magical fantasy woven by the bond between two brothers who’ve been torn apart, be ready to carve the roar of victory in your soul!

Opal Fire

Opal Fire summary: Opal Fire summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Opal Fire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heads In Beds

Heads In Beds summary: Heads In Beds summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Heads In Beds. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Three Eyes

The Three Eyes summary: The Three Eyes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Three Eyes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Endless Love

Endless Love summary: “I’ll just choose the human Priest then. What name should I use?” “ASD.” “Using your initials as ID is so lame.” “QWE aren’t just my initials,” he said coolly. “They’re the first three letters at the top of the keyboard.” — She looked at the short little female dwarf knight on her screen and keyed the three letters in. System prompt: Character successfully created. QWE, the once all-powerful ID was now gone. All that was left was the six worn out letters, QWE and ASD, nestled quietly together on the far left of the keyboard.

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